The environment

By Julien Noleau on November 7, 2016

The first step : set a working dev environment. We want to be able to open a window in Electron, load hmtl with hot reload capabilities for React & CSS. The stack we want is ES6 with flowtype and some linting rules.

The pull request


Boilerplate are the easiest solution to try a new set of technologies. I love them to quickly clone and test a solution. I will use this one as a model & inspiration.

Boilerplate are good to test but not to start a new project. I need to understand all the bricks of the project, I don’t need 42 node_modules if I want to use only 3 of them and I want to have the control of the configuration from scratch. The boilerplate is a good example of something working, not a starter.

Opening a window

If you don’t know what Electron is read the quick start from the official doc.

The main process will load index.js written in ES6. For ES6 syntax, babel is the reference for tranforming files into ES5 syntax. The package babel-register compiles ES6 files on the fly, by hooking the require node native function with its own (NB: requiring node_modules are ignored by default by babel-register). To understand don’t read node::require anymore but babel::require instead. When we say electron -r babel-register ./index, the index file will not be node::required but babel::required so we can use ES6 syntax directly.

Babel is used with ["es2015", "stage-2"] transforms presets.

We are now ready to open a single window with Electron loading an simple html file. All the files of the app loaded by electron will reside in the app directory.

├── app/
  ├── index.js     // our "render" app
  └── index.html   // the render process loads this file
├── index.js       // electron loads this file
└── index.html

For the convenience we will install some extensions to the chrome used inside Electron like REACT_DEVELOPER_TOOLS with the help of electron-devtools-installer. We also need babel-polyfill in order to use async / await syntax of Promise.

The app

I am not going to focus on this part because there a lot of documentations & tutorial on the web about this part. This is a classical React app laoding by the “Chrome browser” running by the Electron renderer process. We will use :

  • webpack : to bundle all our files of different type into assets understandable for the browser
  • express & webpack middlewares : in dev mode in order to have hot reloading capabilities
  • css modules & postcss : to be able to write new generation of css by namespaced by components


Linters are helpers to be clean and consistent when writing our code. There are very usefull especially when used with editors like atom with linter plugins. We are going to use :